
Transmission# 11.19.09-01576

~~Receiving Transmission~~

Encryption Schema: Theta
Origin: System - Adrel


Hello again,

I have been in a combat zone since I talked last and I was unable to take a pause and get a message out. The battle was not going well for me since most of the Corp had hit the barracks about the time I crawled out of them, so very little “fun” combat. So with that I have jumped out of the combat zone and am in the process of condensing my assets in preparation of what I plan on doing next; Wormholes!

The lead Corp in the alliance is getting into wormholes so I am in the process of switching over and joining them. Should be fun seeing that I have had VERY limited exposure to wormhole space, I have scanned down over 600 wormholes and sold the locations to pilots in empire for a few months but have only gone in twice, so this should be an interesting venture. The really interesting part will be keeping a connection, let alone a secure one, to my base of operations in empire.

Well I have to run for now, got to get my gear packed into the Orca and make it to the wormhole before $a%!=KmB (Decryption Error) or I will be boned until they scan down the next wormhole. Wish me luck!

-Opi out.


WARNING: Decryption Failed on at least one item.


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