
Transmission# 12.29.09-00385

~~Receiving Transmission~~

Encryption Schema: Theta
Origin: Aa$mQ^k (Decryption Failed: Location data secured with unknown encryption schema)



I know it has been a while since I could get a message out, but I have finally got the communication links operational so I can transmit from wormholes. A lot has happened since I last transmitted, 2 wars and a lot of close calls with these "sleeper" things.

The pirating is fun as well, just slip a cloaker up next to them and uncloak the BS's and take them out. The dangerous part is dealing with the sleepers after that, they seem to be some sort of advanced drone machine and boy do they pack one hell of a punch. The Navy Domi melts under them no matter what, good thing I have 2 reps fit or I would have lost the ship 10 times over.

Well I going to slip into this C5 I am next to with the corp and kill some shit. Fly safe.



WARNING: Decryption Failed on at least one item.



Transmission# 12.06.09-12953

~~Receiving Transmission~~

Encryption Schema: Theta
Origin: System - Adrel



It has been a few since I have been able to transmit do to the wormhole system I have been living in with my new corp, anyway we finally have a exit to a high-sec system so time to re-stock and back-up my logs.

Wormhole's are great places to travel to and amazingly simple to grasp, and the ISK is really good! I haven't even sold all my loot and I have already made 3.6 Billion, good thing to since I just bought 24 of those new Navy Dominix! I do suggest you at least go to a wormhole once and try some PvE, you will need a BS or something that can take a large amount of damage well.

As for the Navy Dominix: AWESOME! Talk about a great ship, very resilient and great to bait with, hehe. If you ever see one and think "easy kill time!" you are wrong! I can easily tank three high DPS battleships and not worry about a thing.

Well I gotta jump back into the wormhole, I think I finally have the tech needed to bridge the subspace signal to the wormhole, but I guess I will find out.

-Opi out.




Transmission# 11.19.09-01576

~~Receiving Transmission~~

Encryption Schema: Theta
Origin: System - Adrel


Hello again,

I have been in a combat zone since I talked last and I was unable to take a pause and get a message out. The battle was not going well for me since most of the Corp had hit the barracks about the time I crawled out of them, so very little “fun” combat. So with that I have jumped out of the combat zone and am in the process of condensing my assets in preparation of what I plan on doing next; Wormholes!

The lead Corp in the alliance is getting into wormholes so I am in the process of switching over and joining them. Should be fun seeing that I have had VERY limited exposure to wormhole space, I have scanned down over 600 wormholes and sold the locations to pilots in empire for a few months but have only gone in twice, so this should be an interesting venture. The really interesting part will be keeping a connection, let alone a secure one, to my base of operations in empire.

Well I have to run for now, got to get my gear packed into the Orca and make it to the wormhole before $a%!=KmB (Decryption Error) or I will be boned until they scan down the next wormhole. Wish me luck!

-Opi out.


WARNING: Decryption Failed on at least one item.



Transmission# 11.10.09-00398

~~Receiving Transmission~~

Encryption Schema: Theta
Origin: Aa$mQ^k (Decryption Failed: Location data secured with unknown encryption schema)


Well as you can tell I am a bit of a role player but I do not play the game as such, I feel if you do play that way you limit the fun that you can have in EVE. Anyways onto more important things:

The new Corp I am in should be getting some good combat soon, seems like it has been years since I saw combat, and years more since it was fun. I look forward to getting my Thanatos back out on the field and having some fun with the Corp!

Well now my brain is dry, sadly, part of just starting a blog. It is still young my posts will be short, but I truly hope to turn that around here in the next week or so as I start planning what I will be posting.

Till next time fly safe and have fun!

-Opi out.


WARNING: Decryption Failed on at least one item.



Transmission# 11.09.09-56938

~~Receiving Burst Transmission Test~~
Test Origin: Star System - Adrel

Frequencies: All
Compression: Max
Encryption Schema: Beta


This is a Burst Transmission Test Message. If text is clear then the test was successful.


WARNING: Data Error: Additional data packets being received. Data Origin: Aa$mQ^k (Decryption Failed: Location data secured with unknown encryption schema)


Hello, I am Opiboble Inte. I do apologize for having to communicate like this, I am currently out system and I do wish to keep my location secure for now. I hope to establish a easier connection next time, the error messages generated when piggy backing data is annoying. Until next time!

Opi out.


~~Transmission Test Completed~~
~~Transmission Test Failed~~
**Excess Data was received.
**Decryption Failed on at least one item.